Okay, pretty much to write about today, but I'll try to keep it short. Had decided to go to the Caldeira this morning since weather was going to be good and I hadn't been there for a while (and probably wouldn't go there for a few days from today since winds are looking promising for new landbirds to arrive). But it was looking very foggy up there when it became light so I went for plan B instead - the lighthouse. But when we got up there the fog was lying really low, covereing pretty much all ov the medium road to, so Mani took me down the lower road and dropped me off at Ribeira do Cantinho instead since there wasn't any fog down there. Birded Cantinho and Cancelas for a few hours without seeing anything special. Took my scope and bag and walked back from Cantinho to Cancelas (or Ribeira da Tebaiba that the lower part of it is called). There I dropped of my stuff and started to walk, but soon realized how stupid it would be not to bring the bag (with my camera in it) so I grabbed the bag and walked up to the hotspot maybe 200 m up in the ribeira from the road. After watching some Chaffinches and Blackcaps I started pisching as usual to get the rest of the birds out in the open. Soon a "Blackcap" flew over me, or was it a Blackcap...? Something didn't feel right so I lifted my bins and tried to find the bird. Soon got onto a rather round, plain grey head sticking out of the leaves. What's this!? My pulse was rising as I also noted some yellow on the flank. Seconds later the bird turned and showed its tail - BONER! AMERICAN REDSTART! Continued pisching and kept my eyes on the bird as I dug out my camera from my backpack. The bird moved into somewhat more open space and called a few times. After some fast adjustments of the settings I managed to get a few documentation shots of the bird. Unfortunately it soon flew back into the dense canopy and despite spending more than an hour on the site waiting, pisching and taping I couldn't find it again. A minute was all I got. Really hope I see it again!

Female American Redstart. Juvenile I guess?

The bird admiring its beautiful tail!
I moved on towards Fojo very inspired to find new stuff. Birded intensely until 16:30 when the rain and wind was getting a little bit to rough for me, so I started walking back towards the village. Soon got picked up by a nice farmer who actually knew some birds! And English! He told me he had seen a Wheatear in the Caldeira yesterday, a Ringed Plover in a field high up on the slopes a week ago and some Great Shearwaters from the ferry to Flores a few days ago. Got dropped of near the guesthouse and decided to the the usual tour around the airfiled before I quit for the day. The Bar-tailed Godwit was however the only bird of interest.
A rainy landscape...
Weather is looking really interesting for the coming days with a nice lowpressure coming in from The States, hopefully bringing some good birds out here!
TuesdayAnd some high altitude jet streams:
I got a comment on the duck I saw yesterday that it might actually be a Redhead due to the head shape and wing pattern. The identification as a Common Pochard was based on the head shape and bill pattern which I think feels very much like a Common Pochard. Maybe the picture I posted yesterday gave a somewhat more Redheadish profile? I don't have any experience of Redhead at all though. Hopefully the bird ended up in the Caldeira yesterday so I can have better views of it some day. Here are some more pictures of the bird, comments are very welcome!
AMERICAN REDSTART 1 (juvenile?) female, Bar-tailed Godwit 1 adult female, Grey Heron 1 juvenile
Go Olof!!!!!
ReplyDeleteGripping stuff - nice one. The yank floodgates will now open for you I hope...
ReplyDeleteI´m very impressed that you managed to get at least two pictures that are more than OK, of the Am.Redstart!!
ReplyDeleteOne would suspect that you´d would have been to exited and screwed up the camera settings or something like that... =)
Great work - keep going & Mangla järnet!!
American Redstart with photos all in a minute,brilliant,What a find.
ReplyDeleteVälförkänt! Grattis!
ReplyDeleteHärliiit! Där satt den Olof! Det är nu det börjar....sliiiit! :)
ReplyDeleteJadang-beverege that evening I suppose...
ReplyDeleteGreat Olof!! congratulations for the American Redstart!!! see you at 5th!
ReplyDeleteguttit!!! Hampe
ReplyDeleteAbsolutely splendid Olof !!
Snyggt jobbat Olof!!!
ReplyDeleteHur många fynd är där av den lilla juvelen i VP/Azorerna?
Snyggt jobbat Olof!!!
ReplyDeleteHur många fynd är där av den lilla juvelen i VP/Azorerna?
Tredje för Azorerna (två olika fynd i oktober 1967) och typ 15:e-20:e i VP skulle jag tro. Najs m.a.o.! :)