Once again beautiful weather as it became light outside. Spent the whole day at Ribeira da Ponte and Pico, birding all possible places I could find. Quite early I flushed a Corn Crake in a field on the eastern slopes of Pico. Really fun since it was the first time I saw this species outside Sweden and not during breeding season. This was the fourth record for Corvo, all three previous were in October 2007. Apart from that the most excitingbirds I found was Woodcock 2, Quail 2 and Goldfinch 2.

Flores seen from Corvo.

During late afternoon it became more cloudy and somewhat more windy. The winds seem to be somewhat better now then they have been the last few days. A new low pressure has moved east from Newfoundland, but as usual seem to pass north of the Azores. Better than easterly winds though and maybe it will bring something!

Jan Kåre cancelled his boat trip to Flores and did the Caldeira once again. No Citrine Wagtail today but American Great Egret 1, White-rumped Sandpiper 5 (at least), Pectoral Sandpiper 2 1cy, Least Sandpiper 1 1cy and Lapland Bunting 1.

Corn Crake 1, Quail 2, Woodcock 2, Sanderling 1, Goldfinch 2
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