I'm tired so I won't write very much about Terceira, sorry! To sum things up I've seen WILLET, Western Sandpiper, American Black Tern, Semipalmated Plovers (4), Semipalmated Sandpipers (2), Spotted Sandpiper, White-rumped Sandpipers (2), Pectoral Sandpipers (3), Great Shearwater, Roseate Tern and some other more common stuff. Here are som pics!
Juvenile Pec
Juvenile Semi P
Juvenile Western Sand
Western Sand and Semi P - quite different!
White-rumped Sand - age?
Juvenile American Black Tern (ssp surinamensis). Note more greyish than white underwings and grey-smudged flanks.
Same fellow as above. Note grey crown, not black. The tail should be darker and contrasting to the rump in a typical surinamensis, but I guess this is OK? Comments on this bird are more than welcome!
Common (top) and Spotted (bottom) Sandpipers in flight. Note the very different wingbars!
2cy Lesser Black-backed gull
Thanks Pierre! That would explain the neat bill as well.
ReplyDeleteRegarding the tern the tail looks contrasting to the rump in most of my other pictures, so the plain appearance in the one above is probably explained by the light and angle of the tail.