Today the hard work with checking the ribeiras on the eastern side of the island began. We checked Cantinho, Cancelas and did a few places in Fojo as well. No interesting birds though. The weather here is amazing with temperatures just below 25 degrees in the shadow during the day and the sun shining from an almost clear blue sky. This of course sucks if you want to find passerines, but we do our very best! Pretty tired we hitched back to the village late afternoon and had a brief siesta before we checked the beach areas around the airfield. The Ringed Plover from yesterday was still there as well as the usual Common Terns, Ruddy Turnstones and two Sanderlings. We just had a wonderful chicken dinner at the small Snack Bar close to the Guest House - without doubt the best restaurant on Corvo!

Ohoy me hardies!
An atlantis on a lava rock, probably a 4th cy bird.
Tomorrow Jan Kåre is going to Flores for the day while I'll continue checking the valleys on the east side.
Common Ringed Plover 1 1st cy, Ruddy Turnstone 4, Sanderling 2
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