Made a new try to get to get to the crater today and managed to get in, even though it was a little bit foggy. Me and Simon split up and did one side each of the crater. I got the shit side and kept slipping and falling and only saw the Ring-necked ducks and the Pintail we saw in the fields the other day. Simon on the other hand had a nice walk and soon picked up a juvenile Spotted Sand on his side. A little while later he also found a very nice group of five juvenile Pectorals while I was pissed because I had slipped, again! All the waders from my last viit was gone and the new ones were feeding intensely all the time. When did they arrive? Simon also had a Wheatear, the fourth we see around the crater in just a few days. A little bit too many just to migrants, or...? After having a late lunch we walked back to the eastern side of the crater and decided to go around it one more time to really clean it up! Now Simon got the shit side :) I had lost the lens-cap for my scope somewhere in the crater and got annoyed everytime a shower came and made my scope wet (which happened quite a few times)... Anyway, when we met again Simon pulled up the lens-cap from his pocket and tried to explain that he's the man! Today I'm actually willing to agree with him. Thanks!

Probably my best photo so far of a Spotted Sand.
Pintail with Mallards.
After we had done the walk of hell up from the crater again it had gotten pretty late, it was almost 19, getting dark and the rain had increased... we weren't going to get back until LATE! So guess if we were happy to see a car coming up after only 30 s! Got a lift back down in the rain (by a maniac driver) and were pretty much soaked when we got back.
The winds are looking interesting the coming days, or what do you say about these jet streams coming from Newfoundland the next days?

American Great Egret 1, Grey Heron 2, Mallard ~20, Pintail 1 female-type, Ring-necked Duck 2, Common Snipe ~15, Spotted Sandpiper 1 1cy, Pectoral Sandpiper 5 1cy, Lesser Black-backed Gull 2 (adult+1cy), LENS-CAP 1!
Nice party of PecSands - BTW where do you get those weather images from ?