Flushed two American Great Egrets (and a juvenile Grey Heron) in the morning at Ribeira da Poso de Agua. Two new birds or has the bird from the Caldeira gone out? It was in the Caldeira yesterday...

American Great White Egrets
Also saw the Chimney Swift hunting over around Poso de Agua and Fojo during the first half of the day.

Chimney Swift
Birded Fojo below the lower road and after some pisching I heard a very sharp and loud "ZIPP!" close to me. Out from a bush popped an Ovenbird, at the exact same place where Rafa found it a few weeks ago! Probably the same bird that has spent some time in Fojo during the last two weeks and that now has found its way back to its first home on Corvo, or...?

Continued birding Cancelas and Cantinho below the road and also checked the middle parts of Cancelas before I started walking back in the very strong wind. Tried to bird da Ponte but it was to windy there, even in the very bottom of the valley! Also slipped as usual in da Ponte but this a bit harder than normal. Lost grip totally with both feet at the same time and slided down the slope for a bit before hitting a small tree with my groin - ouch! =/
Ended the day at the windmill with some seawatching that produced a Gannet and some Great Shearwaters. Tried to string a Manx for a while but it turned out to "just" be a Great.
Tomorrow we are getting a new hit from a pretty deep low pressure (see below). Hope it isn't to windy for birding just... the waves are supposed to be about 9 m high!

Mmmmmmmmmmmmm! :-)
After eating at the windmill yesterday (don't ask me why we went there!) we were back at the Bandits' today! Home sweet home! No chocolate pudding thugh :(
Gannet 1 1cy, Great Shearwater 7, Pale-bellied Brent 1, American Great White Egret 2, Grey Heron 1 1cy, Chimney Swift 1, Ovenbird 1
Weather luks promising - best of luck...
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