This is the path along the shore south of the airfield. As you can see the waves and wind has produced a little bit of foam over the week:

Even if it was windy it wasn't raining this morning so I went up to the valleys to have a look in Cantinho. As usual flushed the two American Great Egrets with the car close to Fojo before stopping at Cantinho. Wind was shaking around the tree tops every now and then and due to rain during the night there was a steady flow (and thereby constant noise) in the stream in the valley. Spent four hours in there, doing it carefully, but didn't even see the Ovenbird that has been present in there for some time.
After lunch took my usual powernap but woke up as I got my face washed by a rain shower - have had more pleasent happenings in my life, I guarantee you! Did Poso de Agua for a few hours on my way back. I really, really like that place! But I haven't seen shit there... yet. Had a look for my buddy the juvenile Cory's in the bamboo stands and it was still there. It should leave any day now!

Juvenile Cory's out in the open on the ground.
On my way back I checked out the Savannah Sparrow that has moved down from the reservoir mountain to the "pig fields" / "bean fields" or whatever you wanna call the place. Had great but brief views of this nice bird. While watching it a local stopped next to us with his car and told us that he'd seen a duck in the harbour earlier the same day. He desribed it as a small duck, mostly grey, with black on top of the head, and pointed at a female Common Scoter in the Collin's guide. Went down there to have a look for it but didn't find it. Only two Turnstones were hanging around.

The Black-and-white wasn't seen today despite search. That goes for the Parula as well. One Yellow-billed cuckoo was seen in the village and tomorrow all of us will try to clean up the village together since that hasn't been properly done by a big crew for a few days (because of the wind). Let's hope that weather allows us to at least have a look around!

American Great Egret 2, Grey Heron 2 juveniles, Grey Plover 1, European Whimbrel 2, Savannah Sparrow 1
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