Today it happened again! After kicking different valleys in the morning a few of us were going to have lunch at the picnic site in Fojo. As I was on my way there I picked up some intense radio traffic going on with directions on how to get to the bird so I started to run and try to find the right place - without knowing what species they were talking about! As I was almost there I radioed them and got to know that Darryl had found a Canada Warbler just north of the picnic site! Unfortunately the bird had disappeared and we had to search hard. After abut an hour Ferran picked it up and the look on his face was very similar to a childs on Christmas eve. Unfortunately the bird disappeared again before the rest of us arrived... Later Darryl saw the bird briefly again and after totally three hours everyone finally got excellent views as Pete refound the bird feeding in the middle of the wood. Absolute magic!
Read about the discovery on Darryls blog:
Pete has put some film of the twitch (mostly showing my ass) on his blog:

Eric celebrating his 703rd WP species.
On the way back me and Fred checked the lower parts of Ribeira da Poso de Agua. That place looks really, really good and I look forward to seeing something there... sometime... Found a Cory's nest down there with an almost fully grown chick in it. Soon we will be picking them up from the streets in the village but I decided to have a preview.

According to Pete the occurance of vagrants in Newfoundland correlated pretty good with what turned up in the Azores in autumn 2005, so you better take a look at Newfoundland Rare Bird Alert every now and then: to Dave Brown for providing the link.
Canada Warbler 1!
Nice trip very nice. Good luck for everybody in the Big Brother house out there
Excellent find - and i thought the woodland down Holy Vale on the Scillies was bad enough ! There has(pulse-racingly) been a reported Blackpool Warbler just over the county border in Warwickshire which would be quite a turn up for the middle of the country so you might not be having all the Yanks to yourself !